Broomfield LCC, September 13, 2024

  • Nikki Crouse, Senior Services Manager,  Easy Ride
    • Living in Balance event on October 4th will provide resources for the Older Adult Community
    • Easy Ride was called upon to transport displaced people from an apartment complex.
  • Jean Shreve, Mobility Program Manager, Smart Commute
    • 18 Seniors signed up for rides to the Broomfield Days parade
  • Marissa Kapilta, Programs and Outreach Specialist, Commuting Solutions
    • Commuting Solutions has movied to an office in the Via Mobility, Boulder building.  No longer located in Louisville
    • GOtober Challenge-The business that track the most trips will get an award from DRCOG
  • Allison Baxter, Sr. Transportation Planner, City of Broomfield
    • Will be hosting table at Living in Balance Fair
    • Working on Flex Ride Survey
    • RTD Service changes AB service increased times since the pandemic
  • Sarah Grant, Transportation Manager, City & County of Broomfield
    • Measure on ballot to extend Tabor extension for RTD.  City of Broomfield has taken a position of support.
    • Adding Avira Apartments to the Interlocken Flex Ride