Caregivers: Make Sure Your Voice is Heard

*From Via’s June Newsletter

Support Home and Community-Based Services

Congress is poised to take important action, and we need your help!

In response to the ongoing public health crisis due to COVID-19, within the next month, we expect the United States Congress to consider policies that could impact Medicaid home and community-based services.

We need Congress to fully understand that over three million frontline home care aides are caring for eight million Americans during this public health crisis. And to make sure that happens, every voice is needed!

Can you lend your voice to supporting legislative proposals that include increased federal funding for Medicaid HCBS and enhanced wages for the heroic efforts of the frontline home care aides?

Together, we can demonstrate to Congress that the services provided by frontline home care aides are enabling at-risk populations to remain safe at home during this pandemic.