Caring for the Lyft community


The health and safety of Lyft’s community is our priority. With recent news around coronavirus (COVID-19), we know you may have questions about how we can all do our part to keep the community healthy. We want to share the actions we’re taking to help protect riders and drivers — and what you can do to help.

What Lyft is doing
Closely monitoring the situation and taking action. We’re following updates on COVID-19, including guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and local health officials. We’ll continue to take actions necessary to help protect the community. Specifically, if we are notified of a rider or driver testing positive for COVID-19, they will be temporarily suspended from using Lyft until they are medically cleared.

Helping with prevention. We’ve partnered with EO Products, makers of Everyone, to distribute more than 200,000 bottles of hand sanitizer and other cleaning supplies to drivers, at no cost to them.

Supporting drivers. We will provide funds to drivers should they be diagnosed with COVID-19 or put under individual quarantine by a public health agency. This helps support drivers financially when they can’t drive, while also protecting our riders’ health.

What you can do
Practice good hygiene. Wash your hands frequently. Cover your nose and mouth if you have to sneeze or cough. And use hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol content. Please stay home if you are sick.

If you need to see a doctor, work with a medical professional to discuss transportation options. Per the CDC, if you have been diagnosed with COVID-19 or suspect you may have it, you should not use ridesharing, public transportation, or taxis.

Stay informed. The CDC and the World Health Organization (WHO) are updating their sites with the latest information.

If you have any additional questions, please visit our online resource. Small actions can make a big difference when everyone helps out — thanks for doing your part.