Denver Human Services has extended the deadline for Mill Levy Advisory Council applicants to Thursday, December 3. They are seeking an experienced and diverse membership to lend their voices to discussions regarding issues vital to people with intellectual and developmental disabilities (I/DD). In 2021, the advisory council will primarily focus on further defining housing needs and making recommendations to support inclusive housing opportunity for people living with I/DD in Denver. Other needs may be elevated in priority, especially as they encounter emerging needs in response to COVID-19 and resulting economic challenges.

To apply

Visit online to complete an application. Applications are also available in Spanish. For more information about the advisory council application process or to request support to apply, contact or call 720-944-2909.

Appointment details

The advisory council makes recommendations about needs and gaps in services to DHS and provides feedback on mill levy-funded programs serving residents with I/DD. To learn more about the advisory council’s activities, interested applicants may want to visit the DHS Mill Levy Advisory Council web page. Familiarity with I/DD services is preferred but not required. The advisory council meets tomorrow (Friday, Nov 13) from 1-3pm for their final remote meeting of the year. The advisory council will continue to meet remotely into 2021, in accordance with public health guidance and best practice. Voting members on the DHS Mill Levy Advisory Council must be current Denver residents. Newly appointed members as determined through this process will serve a two year term through December 31, 2022.