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They are conducting a public survey for Denver Parks and Recreation’s (DPR) Strategic Acquisition Plan and your input is important to them. Regardless of whether you visit our parks, open spaces and trails as much as you would like, they want to know your thoughts and ideas. Your answers to this survey will help guide the growth and maintenance of Denver’s park and recreation system.

The survey, which closes on November 16th, should take less than 10 minutes to complete. With the COVID-19 pandemic weighing heavily in our lives, it can be hard to focus on anything else. Even in this crisis, however, it is important for them to seek feedback and move forward on building a more equitable and accessible park and recreation system, for a healthier and more sustainable and resilient city. Your answers are completely confidential and will be shared only in combined form with the responses of others. Thank you for caring about our parks and open spaces and for sharing your priorities for the future!

A potential blurb you can share to encourage people to take the survey is below and a photo to help catch attention! You can also share our Facebook post here and Twitter message here.

Denver Parks & Recreation wants to grow the parks system! Let them know what matters most to you and what to prioritize. Take the survey now:

¡Denver Parks & Recreation quiere crecer el sistema de parques! Dejarles saber lo qué es más importante para usted y qué necesitan priorizar. Complete la encuesta ahora:
Para tomar la encuesta en español, haga clic en el botón en la parte superior y a la mano derecha, y seleccione Español

Denver Parks & Recreation muốn phát triển hệ thống công viên! Hãy cho họ biết điều gì quan trọng nhất với quý vị và điều gì cần ưu tiên. Hãy tham gia vào trưng cầu ý kiến:

If you have any questions about this survey, please contact