Mayor Hancock Update from March 19th

At 2:00 on March 19th, Mayor Michael Hancock held a press conference to provide updates and answer questions on COVID-19 and its effect on Denver. Here are the takeaways from the meeting:

  • Mayor Hancock announced a $4 million relief package for small businesses being affected by the outbreak. Each business that applies for relief may receive up to $7,500 in cash grants to offset loss.
  • Another effort being made is a relief fund for artists whose public performances have been cancelled to promote social distancing. Each artist who applies may be given $1,000 to offset loss.
  • Mayor Hancock implemented a temporary cancellation on parking meter enforcement as well as booting cars. Time limits also no longer apply to any public street parking spots for the time being.
  • When asked about a shelter-in-place order, Mayor Hancock said that although no order has been made yet, Denver residents should be prepared for anything. However, he made it clear that a shelter-in-place order would not restrict people from leaving their homes completely, but would restrict non-essential services. Residents will still be allowed to spend time outside, (allowing for social distancing) go grocery shopping, pick up medication at pharmacies, and visit the doctor in case of medical emergency.

    For more information on COVID-19 and Denver’s response, visit