Securing an Accurate 2020 U.S. Census

Wheelchair passenger with bus
Information from CASTA newsletter:
Political Gain for Colorado – According to projected population changes, Colorado could gain seats in the House of Representatives.
Financial Gain for Colorado – Each person counted brings $2,300 per year for the next 10 years into Colorado (some of that comes from the FTA through 5310 and 5311 transit funds.
Ways to Engage Externally & Internally – What can your agency do to get the word out and people where they need to go to fill out the form. In your community it might look like
  • bringing seniors to a census event
  • providing free rides into town to a census kiosk
  • encouraging your employees to fill out the census for their family
  • Check out the slides to find ways to encourage those in your agency and community to respond to the 2020 Census.

Did you know: Rural Colorado was undercounted by 40% in 2010 when the last Census was taken leaving millions of dollars on the table???