The Denver Streets Partnership – October 2, 2020

The Denver Streets Partnership met on October 2, 2020. The following topics were discussed:

  • Depave – Jaime Lewis
    • Article presented about unused or damaged pavement being removed
      • This pavement is unnecessary and removal prevents contaminants getting into water system
      • Needs a lot more research done – Jaime will do more research and bring it back to the group
        • Hilarie Portell suggested getting in touch with the Climate Change Initiative people
        • Deya Zavala suggested getting in touch with MetroDNA or SPARCC
    • DOTI Advisory Board – Leslie Twarogowski
      • Ballot initiative to change the charter to have a DOTI advisory board (20-516)
      • Goals:
        • Have consistent interaction between community and DOTI
          • Make this an outlet for the public to speak about their concerns
        • Keeping everyone focused and accountable for the city-wide goals
      • Thoughts from DSP
        • Having transparency is critical
        • Need to make sure this isn’t a board that comes and goes
        • Potential concern – could just add another bureaucratic layer to the process
      • DSP budget meetings with City Council – Jill Locantore
        • Bikes and sidewalks have been included
          • This has become more consistently included
          • Nice to see in a tight budget year
          • Concern for the hiring freeze – will there be enough staff to manage these projects?
        • Less funding for Vision Zero
        • 7 meetings have been conducted so far
      • Climate Change Ballot Initiative – Danny Katz
        • Working on vote yes to 2A messaging
        • Doing outreach in Spanish
        • There will be an online kickoff event – link to be sent to DSP group when they have it
          • Please share
        • Will also email talking points to DSP group to then share through social media, etc.
      • 5280 Trail – Andrew Iltis
        • 300 people are signed up to ride the trail in the next month
        • Wanting to get people out on bikes/walking
          • See the neighborhoods that don’t get enough attention right now
          • Help draw people to these local businesses
        • Goals & Objectives
          • Mark the trail so that anyone can use the whole route easily on their own
          • Re-engage neighbors to focus on outreach, equity, diversity, etc
          • Tactical programming
            • Create a concept program to fund activate zones and create more of a trail feel
          • Strategies
            • Establish sub-area project teams
            • Feasible wayfinding scheme (DOTI)
            • Identify permitting process
              • Likely to be entirely ROW
              • It’s hard to get these bigger things through
            • Establish 5280 tactical programming review process
          • Each neighborhood will hopefully get into polishing up their portion of the trail to attract more foot traffic and business
        • Other Policy Advocacy Updates
          • Community Transportation Networks – Molly McKinley
            • Public meetings are wrapped up
              • May be another opportunity for public engagement in Nov or Dec
            • I-25/Belleview – Piep van Heuven
              • Looking into highway interchange improvements
              • This project is not currently funded
              • A decision point is being reached
              • Technical team has narrowed it down to two options
                • They are recommending the split diamond option with would add an interchange at Union
                  • More phase-able
                  • Less construction
                  • Easier to raise funds
                • Coming up next
                  • Oct 7th – presentation (no community participation)
                    • Register for webinar here
                  • Oct 21st – public feedback
                  • On going – public comment box
                • RTD – Jill Locantore and Deya Zavala
                  • Severe budget shortfalls
                  • Potential to keep service cuts through 2026
                  • In Denver – 100,000 people will loose transportation access
                    • These are primarily people of color who will be affected
                  • There will be long lasting effects