Broomfield LCC, July 8th 2022

Broomfield LCC, July 8th 2022   Marc Ambrosi reported that the Midway Boulevard has had a project going for about a year and they’ll be sharing their proposals soon on   Sarah…

Denver Streets for People Summit, June 9, 2022

DRMAC attended the Summit organized by The Denver Community Active Living Coalition (CALC) and The Denver Streets Partnership. It featured 3 Mobile tours options of: Montbello Transit Tour, Sun Valley Biking and Rolling Tour and Downtown Denver…

Jefferson County Subregional Forum Meeting, June 15th, 2022 

Jefferson County Subregional Forum Meeting, June 15th, 2022    DRCOG FY2022 – 2025 TIP Support Requests- Arapahoe County Forum: Countywide Transit Study DRCOG FY2022 – 2025 TIP Project Submittals by Jefferson County Subregion…

ADRC Advisory Council, May 17, 2022

ADRC Advisory Council, May 17, 2022   Sasha Story – NYMBL Science – - free balance training app. Can help older adults download the app, use email if do not have a smart phone. NYMBL is a great program,…

Broomfield LCC, March 11th, 2022

Broomfield LCC, March 11th, 2022   Stephanie O’Neill reported that DRMAC will be hosting a training on Older Adult Scam Prevention on April 5th from 130-3pm via Zoom. To register for the training, visit   Teague…

Boulder Mobility and Access Coalition (MAC), March 14th 2022

Boulder Mobility and Access Coalition (MAC), March 14th 2022   Partner Updates: Mountain Mobility Working Group They are hoping to have service begin on April 1st. The biggest task they’re currently working on is finding…

Denver County Local Coordinating Council, March 16, 2022

Denver County Local Coordinating Council, March 16, 2022; 9-10 AM via Zoom   DRCOG Senior Transportation -Travis Noon DRCOG receives three types of funding for seniors and funds a variety of subrecipients that operate throughout…

Aging and Disability Resource Center Advisory Council (ADRC) 2/15/22

Aging and Disability Resource Center Advisory Council (ADRC) 2/15/22 from 1PM-3PM ADRC announced and introduced their new ADRC Manager, Fonda Buckles. The group talked about Ombudsman and the status with reports of neglect regarding…

Boulder Mobility and Access Coalition (MAC), February, 14, 2022

Boulder Mobility and Access Coalition (MAC), February, 14, 2022 Partner Updates: DRMAC Getting There Travel Training Program, Stephanie O’Neill Sign up for DRMAC’s Getting There Travel Training program to learn how to ride transit.…

Community Active Living Coalition (CALC), February 9, 2022

Community Active Living Coalition (CALC), February 9, 2022 Jon Johnson, DOTI Planning, reported on the Safe Routes to School Action Plan. The 5 year action plan is to serve as a roadmap to strengthen the existing safe routes to school program.…