Boulder Mobility and Access Coalition (MAC), December 13, 2021

Boulder Mobility and Access Coalition (MAC), December 13, 2021 Updates Youth Transportation School Travel Study, Cammie Edson The goal of this study is to new community engagement technology, and they want to focus on seeing what…

DRCOG Transportation Advisory Committee (TAC) – November 15, 2021

DRCOG Transportation Advisory Committee (TAC) – November 15, 2021 DRCOG’s TAC met on Monday, November 15. The one action item was the approval amendments to the 2020-2023 TIP. These amendments comply with the 2020-2023 TIP policy. The…

Denver County Local Coordinating Council November 17, 2021

Denver County Local Coordinating Council November 17, 2021; 9-10 AM Zoom Meeting Introductions Blake Van Jacobs – CDOT, Carol Buchanan – DRMAC, Charlie Stanfield – RTD, Dani McLean – CDOT, David Krutsinger - DOTI, Jaime Lewis…

DRCOG’s Transportation Advisory Committee (TAC) – October 25, 2021

DRCOG’s Transportation Advisory Committee (TAC) – October 25, 2021 DRCOG’s TAC met on Monday, October 25th for a short meeting where there were no action items requiring a vote. DRCOG Senior Transportation Planner, Todd Cottrell presented…

Denver County Local Coordinating Council, October 20, 2021

Denver County Local Coordinating Council October 20, 2021; 9-10 AM Zoom Meeting Introductions   Carol Buchanan – DRMAC, Kenna Davis – DRMAC TATF, Julia Wcislo – CDOT, Dan Shah – West Colfax BID, Blake Van Jacobs –…

Transportation Solutions Arapahoe County (TSAC) – October 18, 2021

Transportation Solutions Arapahoe County (TSAC) – October 18, 2021 Attendance: Richard Blubaugh (Centennial Senior Commission), Carol Buchanan (DRMAC), Jeff Fernengel (Arc of Aurora), Susan Ganz (Love INC), Paula Hillman (Centennial Senior…

Broomfield Local Coordinating Council (LCC) October 8, 2021

Broomfield Local Coordinating Council (LCC) October 8, 2021   Group Updates Via- Still dealing with driver shortage but have hired more reservationists to handle increased call volume Audio Information Network of Colorado-…

Community Active Living Coalition (CALC) October 13, 2021

Community Active Living Coalition (CALC) October 13, 2021   Community Updates CALC’s third book club is on November 16th from 6-7pm. They’re offering free books and raffles, city department will talk about redlining 11/16.…

Boulder Mobility and Access Coalition (MAC), October 11, 2021

Boulder Mobility and Access Coalition (MAC), October 11th 2021   Community Updates Boulder County Commission Letter to RTD, Kathleen Bracke They have been asking for several of key regional routes to come back. By gradually…

DRCOG Transportation Advisory Committee (TAC) – October 6, 2021

DRCOG Transportation Advisory Committee (TAC) – October 6, 2021 Action Items for this meeting included: 2022 – 2025 TIP Policy Amendments-In compliance with current TIP Amendment procedures, the proposed amendments were approved. …