Boulder Mobility and Access Coalition (MAC), December 13, 2021

Boulder Mobility and Access Coalition (MAC), December 13, 2021


  • Youth Transportation School Travel Study, Cammie Edson
    • The goal of this study is to new community engagement technology, and they want to focus on seeing what works and what doesn’t work for parents getting kids to school and other key destinations. This method uses a method to go above and beyond what typical surveying provides for feedback. More information can be found here: Please let Cammie or Darcy know if you’re connected to a group of local families that might be interested in participating in the study:,
  • Mountain Mobility Working Group, Angel Bond & Zoe DeVito
    • Recently hired a Nederland local to drive in Nederland. The group is hoping this will contribute to the success of the pilot since they have knowledge and understanding of rural mountain roads. The funds they have coming in will be supplemented by ARPA funds. They are still pursuing a volunteer driver program in the mountains, but due to COVID, that’s not happening right now. Another goal is to possibly do travel training in Nederland for the summer.
  • RTD Service Changes Presentation, Nataly Handlos
    • RTD used to post service changes 2 weeks prior to actual change, but they got feedback and were able to post January service changes sooner than 2 weeks in advance.

MAC members participated in the next step of building the charter and focused on strategies for achieving the goals set by members.