Broomfield LCC, December 12, 2021

Broomfield LCC, December 12, 2021

Attendees: Nikki Crouse, Teague Kirkpatrick, Sarah Grant, Penn Street, Dean Bennett, Stephanie O’Neill



  • Teague Kirkpatrick reported that he went to a transit conference a few weeks ago and they discussed how on-demand transportation is not a fad. Everyone is trying to figure out how to do it and incorporate it into their services. The rider experience is heightened with on-demand transportation.


  • Penn Street asked if there is a better option to get information about transportation rather than just giving a phone number. LCC members discussed some transportation options, but ultimately referred to her to DRMAC to discuss further.


  • Sarah Grant reported that Broomfield does have funding for a third bus for peak hours. They were previously struggling with operator shortages rather than a funding shortage. Some ideas that are in the works are doing a “fare free summer” for 2022, free fare during ozone season to reduce emissions rather than on specific days since it’s difficult to predict when ozone levels will be high.


  • Nikki Crouse reported that Broomfield Easy Ride is getting ready to offer 2 new drivers positions, meaning they will be back fully staffed. The biggest hurdles they’re facing are working on utilizing an app for pre and post trip inspections and figuring out how to make it work on tablets with route match. They’re also looking at putting together a series of educational opportunities/”summer of travel” event for next summer 2022.