2022 RTD Focus Group

Douglas County LCC/DCTS meeting December 9, 2021

Douglas County Transit Solutions Local Coordinating Council Meeting Notes December 9, 2021 Open discussion for member updates Artie Lehl from Douglas County Housing Partnership - Many new affordable housing developments coming in 2022.…
Tech Help

Sign Up for Personalized Tech Help

Senior Planet is offering virtual, 1-on-1 tech tutoring sessions! Volunteers from Verizon will join via Zoom to individually help you with any technology-related questions you might have. You do NOT need to own a Verizon device to take advantage…
2022 RTD Focus Group

Denver County Local Coordinating Council, December 15, 2021

Denver County Local Coordinating Council, December 15, 2021; 9-10 AM   Introductions Angie Malpiede - NETC, Blake Van Jacobs – CDOT, Cooper Langdon – RTD, David Krutsinger – DOTI/DCLCC Chair, Dianna Castro – DRMAC, Jaime…
2022 RTD Focus Group

Broomfield LCC, December 12, 2021

Broomfield LCC, December 12, 2021 Attendees: Nikki Crouse, Teague Kirkpatrick, Sarah Grant, Penn Street, Dean Bennett, Stephanie O’Neill   Meeting information will be covered in the Broomfield newsletter from this point forward.…
2022 RTD Focus Group

Boulder Mobility and Access Coalition (MAC), December 13, 2021

Boulder Mobility and Access Coalition (MAC), December 13, 2021 Updates Youth Transportation School Travel Study, Cammie Edson The goal of this study is to new community engagement technology, and they want to focus on seeing what…
2022 RTD Focus Group

Apply to RTD’s 2022 Focus Group

Want to have your say? Apply to RTD’s annual Focus Group Customer Panel before our deadline on 1/9. Participants will be selected 1/31. https://rtdden.co/303Cyeq #HaveYourSay #FocusGroup