Denver Streets for People Summit, June 9, 2022

DRMAC attended the Summit organized by The Denver Community Active Living Coalition (CALC) and The Denver Streets Partnership. It featured 3 Mobile tours options of: Montbello Transit Tour, Sun Valley Biking and Rolling Tour and Downtown Denver…

Jefferson County Subregional Forum Meeting, June 15th, 2022 

Jefferson County Subregional Forum Meeting, June 15th, 2022    DRCOG FY2022 – 2025 TIP Support Requests- Arapahoe County Forum: Countywide Transit Study DRCOG FY2022 – 2025 TIP Project Submittals by Jefferson County Subregion…

ADRC Advisory Council, May 17, 2022

ADRC Advisory Council, May 17, 2022   Sasha Story – NYMBL Science – sasha@nymblescience.com - free balance training app. Can help older adults download the app, use email if do not have a smart phone. NYMBL is a great program,…

Colorado took a number of good steps forward around the health of our state

One theme was the investment of millions of dollars into important solutions. Transit - $28 million was dedicated to at least a month of fare-free transit during summer ozone season at RTD and other transit agencies around the state. Eliminating…