Denver Streets for People Summit, June 9, 2022

DRMAC attended the Summit organized by The Denver Community Active Living Coalition (CALC) and The Denver Streets Partnership. It featured 3 Mobile tours options of: Montbello Transit Tour, Sun Valley Biking and Rolling Tour and Downtown Denver Walking and Rolling Tour.

Keynote speakers were Elena Madison, Director of Project for Public Spaces and Nancy Young, Director of On Ramps Program, Fountain House. Keynote speakers presented on how both of their organizations are working with people in communities in New York especially those who are homeless in public spaces.

The last leg of the summit was a panel discussion with Carleigh Sailon of Star Operations Manager with Denver County, Kayleigh Gates, Community Resource Outreach Administrator of The Denver Public Library, Debra Johnson CEO and General Manager of RTD Denver and Lisa Raville, Executive Director of Harm Reduction Action Center. The moderator Molly McKinley, Policy Director  of Denver Streets Partnership asked questions about how each panelist was addressing the needs of the community especially those who are unhoused and struggling with drug abuse.