RTD Citizen’s Advisory Committee – March 17, 2021
Transit AdvocatesThe meeting began with an overview of the Reimagine RTD project followed by discussion of many challenging issues RTD is facing.
Underserved neighborhoods need to get the service they need at a price they can afford
Structures for weather…

Denver County Local Coordinating Council (DCLCC) – March 17, 2020
Transit AdvocatesVia Zoom, 9am-10am
Introductions and Updates
Jyotsna Khattri – RTD, DCLCC Chair
Bobby Dishell – RTD District D Director
Southmoor Station stakeholder meeting is this Thursday at 5pm via Zoom.
Mayra Gonzales – Montbello…

Reimagine RTD Technical Working Group – March 10, 2021
Transit AdvocatesReimagine RTD’s Technical Working Group (TWG) reconvened on March 10 after a break during which RTD welcomed a new general manager, the Accountability Committee began their work, and RTD implemented changes related to COVID. At this meeting,…

INC Transportation Committee – March 11, 2021
Transit AdvocatesInter-Neighborhood Cooperation (INC) Transportation Committee met on March 11, 2021 from 6:00pm to 8:00pm. The meeting was held virtually via Zoom. Agenda covered:
Bikes on Broadway - James Colbert, DOTI Senior Engineer & Gaby Serrado,…

Boulder County Local Coordinating Council – March 8, 2021
Transit AdvocatesLocation: Zoom virtual meeting
Frequency: 2nd Monday of every month 2:00pm-4:00pm until Dec 13, 2021
Mission – Overcome transportation gaps in the community, Multi-modal education
Rename: Poll decided new name would…

NewsAre you a local Veteran with questions about COVID-19, vaccine distribution at VA medical centers or other VA benefits programs? Join us for this town hall and Q&A with local representatives from the VA.
WHEN: Thursday, April 1, 2021…

NewsIt was all hands on deck this weekend as a blizzard blasted the Denver metro area. RTD management worked all week and weekend to make sure resources were available to our frontline staff so that customers could get to where they needed to go.…

Man In Wheelchair Asks That Ramps Not Be Forgotten During Snow Removal
NewsWINDSOR, Colo. (CBS4)– Following the significant snowstorm of 2021 some people who rely on wheelchairs to get out and exercise say they’re still trapped from doing so thanks to insufficient plowing and shoveling. While roads crews and residents…

The Governor’s Vaccine Equity Team is hiring
NewsNote: These postings close at midnight tonight and can be applied for online. Go to http://www.colorado.gov/jobs
Deputy Data Director - Vaccine Equity
Community Outreach Coordinator - Vaccine Equity
Regional Coordinator- Vaccine Equity

State Representative David Ortiz Town Hall!
NewsTUESDAY, MARCH 16, 2021 AT 6:30 PM MDT
Join HD38 State Representative David Ortiz in his discussion on the legislation he's bringing to the Colorado House to support our military members and families including HB21-1016 Transfer Jurisdiction…