RTD Citizen’s Advisory Committee – March 17, 2021

The meeting began with an overview of the Reimagine RTD project followed by discussion of many challenging issues RTD is facing.

  • Underserved neighborhoods need to get the service they need at a price they can afford
  • Structures for weather at bus stops are lacking
  • Tension between maximizing ridership and geographic reach
  • Land use patterns that make taking transit impossible
  • Fiscal constraints, how do we get where we need to go
  • Encourage affordable housing on property that RTD owns
  • Partnerships with Uber/Lyft exist – they must be advertised
  • Issues with high block to providing accessible entrance to light rail cars
  • Need targeted outreach meetings, especially to marginalized communities

Michael Davies, Government Relations Officer, talked about proposed RTD legislation: remove the farebox standard, remove restrictions on how RTD manages its parking lots.

Members shared topics for future meetings.

Next meeting: 4/21, 3 pm