Denver County Local Coordinating Council (DCLCC) – March 17, 2020

Via Zoom, 9am-10am

Introductions and Updates

  • Jyotsna Khattri – RTD, DCLCC Chair
  • Bobby Dishell – RTD District D Director
    • Southmoor Station stakeholder meeting is this Thursday at 5pm via Zoom.
  • Mayra Gonzales – Montbello Organizing Committee
    • DOTI Pilot Circulator in the Montbello community; currently in the engagement phase – still figuring out the route, cost, and relationship with RTD.
    • Expanding the DCLCC work in Sun Valley about transit and youth to Montbello.
  • Jaime Lewis – CCDC
    • ACPD meeting with RTD – Uber pilot with Access-A-Ride, $2 customer cost.
  • Michael Hughes – West Corridor TMA
    • Waiting to hear from Colorado Energy Office and Denver Mayor’s Office to put 40 e-bikes in the Sun Valley neighborhood.
  • Jeff Prillwitz – CDOT Bustang Outrider Project Manager
    • Have added two new routes; getting ready to add 4 more.
    • Text messaging system, mobile ticket app.
  • Denise Stradiotto – Via Mobility
  • Cooper Langdon – RTD Service Planning
  • Kenna Davis – DRMAC TATF
  • Steve Martin – RTD Transit Police Department
    • 4 mental health clinicians on staff, coverage 7 days a week.
    • Homeless Coordinator position is open currently; cannot offer benefits and will have to be a contractor position; salary is negotiable.
    • Transit Watch App allows user to communicate with Transit Police about safety and security concerns; Can all use 24/7-hour phone number: 303-299-2911.
  • Daryl Kinton – Former RTD Board Member
  • Julia Wcislo – CDOT Division of Transit and Rail
    • Pushing out Relief Funds to transit agencies
    • Super call in April for admin, operating, and capital.
  • Christian Steward – DOTI CALC
    • Winter Microgrants still available; will also do summer microgrants.
  • Moira Moon – CDOT Division of Transit and Rail
  • Carol Buchanan – DRMAC

Sun Valley Project Update

  • Meetings with Sun Valley Youth Center finalizing dates to meet with SVYC. Ideas for questions still being considered.
  • Sun Valley Welcome Packet – finalized and ready for distribution

 2021 Goals: Website and Other Steps

  •  Some initial work was done to explore low-cost website platforms. Applying for a CALC microgrant to cover the cost of the website was discussed
  • There was continued interest in exploring Montbello as the next neighborhood to promote transit with youth. Mayra reported the next opportunity for significant engagement would be at the next Montbello Freshlo Partners meeting in April. She would invite DCLCC members closer to the date.

 RTD and LCCs

  • Discussion of RTD sub-regional councils and the possibility of LCCs serving as these proposed councils. Steering Committee will send a letter of interest to RTD Board of Directors.

Next meeting:

April 21, 2021; 9-10 AM

Zoom Meeting