May 29th – 99-year-old Colorado veteran going on 100 walks before 100th birthday to raise money for first responders
VeteransSALIDA, Colo. (KDVR) — A World War II veteran is on a unique mission to raise money for first responders. George Blake, of Salida, is an Army veteran. He survived the attack on Pearl Harbor. He turns 100 in January 2021.
Inspired by a close…

Denver Public Schools – Planning For A Safe Return to School
NewsBecause of the COVID-19 health crisis, Denver Public Schools has had to come up with plans for what in-person learning may look like once we are able to safely welcome our students back into our buildings. The discussions on what the new normal…

Poor and Black ‘Invisible Cyclists’ Need to be Part of Post-Pandemic Transport Planning Too
NewsAs states and workplaces prepare to open up after the lockdown, many people are looking for alternatives to public transit to get to work.

Strategic Action Plan Group on Aging (SAPGA) – May 26th, 2020
Transit AdvocatesSAPGA had a rural transit providers virtual meeting today. The main topics were innovative ways to cope with potential future lack of funding; ways to make riders feel safe again; and what is working where. This group is made up of mobility…

Colorado Association of Transit Agencies (CASTA) – May 26th, 2020
Transit AdvocatesThe state transit collective met on a weekly virtual COVID 19 call this morning. Among the topics were safety shields for drivers – types of material, and how they stand up in a crash. The state’s new Medicaid program, IntelliRide, was also…

My 28th – New Refugees Struggle to Find Footing in US During Pandemic
Immigrants & RefugeesStarting a new life in the U.S. is never easy for refugees, but doing it during a pandemic has created more struggles.

Tell federal agencies your views on the transportation planning process in the Denver region
NewsThe Federal Highway Administration and Federal Transit Administration are requesting feedback from residents on the regional transportation planning process. The agencies invite you to directly express your opinion to them about the efforts…

Help guide the 2050 Metro Vision Regional Transportation Plan
NewsThe Denver Regional Council of Governments is working on the 2050 Metro Vision Regional Transportation Plan and we want to hear from you!
DRCOG has been busy this spring developing and testing different scenarios to inform the plan. The scenarios…

DRCOG Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) – May 15, 2020
Transit AdvocatesThe focus of much of the May TAC meeting was on next steps for developing the 2050 Metro Vision Regional Transportation Plan (MVRTP). DRCOG staff shared the proposed major project types/categories for the 2050 MVRTP Priority Investment Framework:…

Anxieties Familiar and New Persist for People Living with Disabilities During the Pandemic
NewsTake what you know about the complications and hurdles COVID-19 has thrown into most Colorado lives since March. Then imagine navigating all that while living with a significant disability, and multiply what you were thinking by many times …