DRCOG’s Transportation Advisory Committee (TAC) – August 23, 2021

DRCOG’s Transportation Advisory Committee (TAC) – August 23, 2021

Action Items included:

  • FY 2022-2025 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) Amendments
  • FY 2022-2025 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) Supplemental Wait List Call for Projects
  • Project Funding Recommendation for the FY 2022-2023 Community Mobility Planning and Implementation (CMPI) TIP Set-Aside
  • Updated nondiscrimination plans


Informational briefings given:


  • FY 2024-2027 TIP Policy Development – staff presented 5 topics for discussion and input


1.Canceled Projects (continued from July meeting)

  1. Minimum project size (continued from July meeting)
  2. Subregional funding split formula (continued from July meeting)
  3. TIP Set-Asides – of note is a staff recommendation to increase funding in the human services TIP set- aside from 4 million to 8 million over the next four years of the next TIP in recognition of the continued growth in these population and persistent unmet need for these services.
  4. TIP Application: Incorporating DRCOG/Partner Agency Plans and Focus Area Change


  • Federal Infrastructure Bill Summary


Next meeting will be Wednesday October 6th. For more information about the August 23rd TAC, visit DRCOG’s website where you can view a recording of the meeting.