ADA Paratransit Advisory Committee (APAC) – November 10, 2020

RTD’s ADA Paratransit Advisory Committee (APAC) met on by phone on November 10, 2020. Twenty-five people were in attendance including APAC members, RTD staff, and contractors. New members Tex Elam, Craig Towler, Lindesy Leith, Lyndsey Sent, Melisa Mascarenas, and Roberto Cabrera were introduced to the group. An update was provided on the merger of APAC with RTD’s Advisory Council for People with Disabilities (ACPD). They will do a “test run” of meeting together in 2021. The group was also updated on Access-a-Ride’s new portal/app. Additionally, there was a report on RTD’s fiscal challenges related to COVID. Lastly, there was discussion on the need for replacing scheduling software for Access-a-Ride. An RFP will be released soon and feedback is being requested from APAC members. The next meeting will be held by phone or online platform on January 12 from 10am to noon.