APAC Member Meeting – March 24th, 2020

  • Location: Meeting by phone
  • Introductions
    • APAC members
    • RTD
    • Contractors
  • Public Comment
    • Concerned about RTD’s position on denying 360 people in wheelchairs unlimited access to paratransit in the last 2 years. APAC should address this.
  • ACPD (Advisory Committee for People w/ Disabilities) Update by Dr. William Gross
    • Had ADA Hero awards – 4 given out
    • Discussion about High Blocks and who can use this space
      • There has been congestion and problems surrounding use of the High Block
      • This is ongoing problem and ongoing discussion
    • Snow removal around RTD bus stops
      • Issue because it is not owned by RTD…it’s a city and county issue
      • Jaime Lewis wrote letter to mayors drawing their attention to the problem and informing them how important it is to fix.
  • APAC new members
    • Katie quit = Malia is replacement
    • Empty seat = filled by Donna
    • Merv Martin is staying on the committee
    • 2 empty seats remain
    • OTHER: 5 members terming out in July
      • Need to recruit to fill these seats
        • Several applications on file
        • Could be mentioned in the Read & Ride flyer
  • Anything from the last meeting?
    • AaR – once you miss your first trip, then all future trips are cancelled.
      • This is NOT true (per RTD)
    • Joe – there should be a protocol as to whether or not to expect the driver to call rider if they can’t seem to find the pick up location.
      • Sometimes they do, sometimes they don’t – should be one way or the other
  • RTD
    • COVID-19 Response
      • Call center is restricted
      • 1 day call in advance to ride
      • Temporarily has stopped all subscription rides
      • Trips are lessening (this is a good thing)
        • Trying to slow the service down to observe social distancing
      • They have increased the cleaning to once a day
      • Important! – Subscription trips will automatically start up again once COVID-19 danger levels go down. Riders do not have to call in to reschedule these subscription rides.
      • RTD has postponed AaR eligibility process temporarily
        • New applicants will be given presumptive eligibility with unrestricted access until they can be screened
        • Reassessment riders will be given the same level of service they had before until they can be reassessed.
    • RTD Driver Shortage Issue
      • May service changes to fixed routes WILL NOT impact AaR (per RTD)
      • Pre-COVID-19 – RTD was at ¼ of 1% short on drivers (nearly full employment). That is to be compared to 10% short 6 months ago.
    • RTD Board Meeting tonight by phone – 855-962-1128
    • Technology Update – AaR Customer Service Portal
      • Being developed in house
      • App will have ability to
        • Cancel future trips
        • Book future trips
        • See real time stops and ETA
      • Accessibility being checked by 3rd party company
      • Late estimate is an August launch
  • Next meeting May 12th – most likely by phone