Clear Creek LCC, January 19, 2022

Clear Creek LCC Meeting 1/19/22

Attendance: AnnMarie Smith, Beth Luther, Tom Stone, Matthew Helfant, Mitch Houston


RoundAbout- Shared stats of ridership for 2017-2021 – Record High for 2021 with 11,123 riders. They discussed our funding options and what applications we have submitted (5311, 5304, 5339). Applied for 2 buses in 2021.


Loveland is getting new buses and waiting on remaining parts. They started seeing Snowstang again. There is 1 route and the driver waits at the tunnel for the return trip. One goes to Loveland and one goes to A-Basin.


CCC Schools – They have spare buses but not enough drivers. They order new buses every other year. Looking to get new bus by June of 2022


Discussed new slip lanes & roundabouts, new drop off areas in Idaho Springs, and the new parking update