Douglas County LCC, May 28 2024


  • From the Douglas County Transit Solutions Local Coordinating Council (LCC) Implementation Plan
    • Demographics & Services Needed
      • The current population of the County is estimated at 358,000 and is projected to reach 418,000 by 2030.
      • Countywide trips have also increased from 44,431 in 2012 to 140,058 in 2018. Given this growth, including those 65 and over, and with very limited service from RTD, Douglas County seniors and persons with disabilities have come to depend upon the DCTS program to provide reliable transit services.
      • Douglas County does not have adequate public transit to meet the growing demand.
    • Policy & Operational Planning Efforts
      • The Douglas County Board of County Commissioners prioritizes the need for affordable and accessible transportation services through two Board goals:
        • Transportation – Develop and maintain a safe and accessible multimodal transportation network, leveraging partnerships to address present and future demands, ensuring local and regional connectivity.
        • Health & Human Services – In partnership with families and the community, provide a safety net that protects vulnerable individuals, and
          promotes self-sufficiency.
      • DCTS initiated on-demand services which are consistent with the 2040 Comprehensive Master Plan, specifically:
        • Goal 6-1 – “Develop an efficient, multifunctional transportation network designed to ensure safety, promote user access, and facilitate cost[1]effective operations and maintenance.”
        • Policy 6-1A.2 – “Support partnerships at the local and regional level, and between the public and private sector, to improve the transportation
        • Policy 6-3A.1 – “Coordinate and support existing and future transportation services provided by other agencies to fulfill service demands of
          County residents, including older adults and people with disabilities.”