DRCOG Transportation Advisory Committee – April 5, 2021

The DRCOG Transportation Advisory Committee (TAC) met on Monday, April 5th via Zoom. After reviewing the notes from the last meeting held February 22, final eligibility rules and the selection process for FY22-FY23 Community Mobility Planning and Implementation (CMPI) Set-Aside were presented and approved by the TAC. This was followed by a final presentation of the draft 2050 Metro Vision Regional Transportation Plan (MVRTP) and Air Quality Conformity. DRCOG staff, Jacob Riger and Alvin Bidal-Sanchez shared information from the plan and its six investment priorities: multi-modal mobility, safety, freight, air quality, active transportation, and regional transit. They also shared information from the recently completed public engagement process. The following represents some overall themes from the public engagement:

General Public

  • Strong support for multimodal projects & funding – even more desired
  • Minimal support for road projects & funding
  • Interest in equity and environmental justice analysis

Local Governments

  • Support for 2050 RTP projects & priorities
  • Technical questions and requested revisions

Agency Partners (CDOT, RTD, FTA, FHWA)

  • Support for 2050 RTP projects & planning process
  • Requested revisions to clarify methodologies, processes, etc.

The draft of the 2050 MVRTP and the accompanying Air Quality Conformity documents were approved and will be sent to the Regional Transportation Committee (RTC) for approval.

The 2022-2025 TIP and associated air quality conformity documents were presented and approved by TAC as were recommendations for the Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) waiting list funding distribution. There were informational briefings on the FY 2022-FY 2023 Unified Planning Work Program and CDOT Senate Bill 17-267 Year 3 Project Options. An AMP working group update was also provided. The next TAC meeting will be April 26, 2021. For more information about this meeting, visit DRCOG’s website.