DRCOG Transportation Advisory Committee June 28, 2021

DRCOG Transportation Advisory Committee (TAC) June 28, 2021

There was a presentation on federal money that’s been set aside for non-infrastructure transportation demand management projects. Another presentation followed on the Unified Planning Work Program for the Denver Region for 2022-2023. There is $500K for 2022 and $1.5M for 2023.

Discussion continued on to shared micromobility in the Denver Region (electric and non-electric bikes & scooters).There were around 20M trips taken in 2020 with a median distance of .87 miles. There is a micromobility work group that was meeting monthly & now meets quarterly.

Discussion moved to potential revisions to the Metro Vision performance measures & targets. DRCOG wants to add sections on transit quality and comfort of transit options. There is not data, yet, on greenhouse gas emission and waiting on Reimagine RTD to add metrics for transit comfort. Still need to find metrics for micromobility comfort. The final section was on 2024-2027 TIP policy elements: project scoring and project readiness and that generated the most discussion.