DRCOG Transportation Advisory Committee (TAC) – October 5, 2020

DRCOG’s Transportation Advisory Committee (TAC) met on Monday, October 5th. A briefing was provided on the 2020-2023 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) Whitepaper. There was also a presentation on the 2019 ANNUAL REPORT ON ROADWAY TRAFFIC CONGESTION IN THE DENVER REGION. Of note were presentation results showing there was no regional daily Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) change from 2018. Weekday VMT per capita decreased from an estimated 25.7 to 25.4 miles per day. The 2040 Metro Vision Target is 23 VMT per Capita. The TAC was then given an update on the status of  the fiscally constrained project and program investment priorities for the 2050 Metro Vision Regional Transportation Plan (2050 MVRTP). Projects were submitted through County Transportation Forums over the summer. The interagency group (DRCOG, CDOT, RTD) was meeting frequently to consider projects as well. Feedback on projects was obtained from DRCOG’s Civic Advisory and Youth Advisory Groups showing support for more bike/ped/transit options over road widening projects.
Next steps for 2050 MVRTP:
October 5 TAC
• Present status of developing fiscally constrained project and program investment priorities • Seeking
input from TAC to carry forward into the interagency process
Interagency Group Meetings
• Complete recommendations for draft fiscally constrained projects
October 26th TAC Meeting
• Consensus and endorsement of draft fiscally constrained investments