DRCOG’s Technical Advisory Committee met on Tuesday, March 23.

Highlights included:

*Discussion and approval of Eligibility Rules and Selection Process for the RTO&T Set-Aside. The Regional Transportation Operations & Technology (RTO&T) Set-Aside funds transportation technology improvements to traffic signal systems, intelligent transportation system projects, and other technology projects associated with any travel mode. There will be a call for projects in 2020. The process begins with a pre-application workshop in April and ends with selection of projects by end of September.

*Discussion and approval of Eligibility Rules and Evaluation Process for the selection of projects to be funded through the Urban Arterial Multimodal Safety Improvements Program. Program goals are to reduce fatal and serious injury crashes on the region’s transportation system • Support a transportation system that safely accommodates all modes of travel • Improve transit access and multimodal mobility • Support the development of connected urban/employment centers and multimodal corridors • Provide safe access to opportunity and mobility for residents of all ages, incomes and abilities, including vulnerable user. Accessible crosswalk signals, complete streets improvements, improved access to bus stops are some examples of potential projects. Call for projects is in April and selections will be made toward the end of July. Nonprofits and TMAs are not eligible to apply, but may partner with a governmental organization.

*Briefing on the draft 2050 Metro Vision Regional Transportation Plan (2050 MVRTP) scenario outcome results.

*Update and information on the upcoming draft of Taking Action on Regional Vision Zero

*AMP (Advanced Mobility Partnership) Working Group update-becoming established, elected officers.