DRCOG’s Transportation Advisory Committee (TAC), May 24, 2021

DRCOG’s Transportation Advisory Committee (TAC)

May 24, 2021

DRCOG’s Transportation Advisory Committee (TAC) met on Monday, May 24th via Zoom. The TAC’s only action item was approval of amendments to the FY 22-25 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP). For detailed information regarding the amendments and the meeting as a whole, visit DRCOG’s website. There were several informational briefings during the meeting.

  • FY 22-23 Transportation Demand Management (TDM) Services Set-Aside Eligibility – Program goals are to reduce single occupant vehicle travel, reduce traffic congestion, improve regional air quality, pilot new approaches to TDM, and improve awareness of and access to mobility options for people of all ages, incomes, and abilities. Eligible project types may include public education, marketing and outreach promoting or expanding use of non-SOV mobility, innovative projects that pilot and demonstrate effectiveness of approach and market research that helps identify opportunities to promote non-SOV mobility. The process begins with attendance at a mandatory workshop. More information will be available at future TAC meetings.
  • Metro Vision Plan Transportation Measure/Target Amendments -DRCOG staff are exploring updates to the 2050 Metro Vision Plan’s transportation-related performance measures and targets to reflect the outcomes and priorities of the 2050 RTP and related DRCOG planning efforts. Of note were changes to the existing Vision Zero measure and target to zero fatalities by 2040; Zero serious injuries by 2040. There was also a suggestion to work with RTD and Reimagine RTD to develop a transit quality measure.
  • FY 2024-2027 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) Policy Development: Regional Share Project Eligibility – New information was presented, and there was continued discussion around the definition of the regional share and project criteria.
  • 2021-2022 Statewide Multi Modal Travel Survey Project-In partnership with CDOT and the state’s other Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPOs), DRCOG will participate in a Statewide Multimodal Travel Survey project. Over the next two years, several survey components will be designed and administered to obtain information on household, business, and visitor travel characteristics throughout the state. Results from travel surveys are used to calibrate DRCOG’s regional travel demand model, known as Focus. The results are also used for project evaluation and selection processes, and to create information documents for decision makers, the public, and the media.
  • CDOT Mobility Hub Program and Project Status – Vision Statement: CDOT plans to re-envision the traditional park-and-ride transit locations into “Mobility Hubs”—transportation centers at select locations, which emphasize multimodal options, seamless mode to mode transitions, real-time passenger information, convenience, and opportunities to create higher intensity transit friendly development surrounding these hubs. Projects in the “pipeline” include mobility hubs at Centerra Loveland, Lone Tree, Castle Rock, Idaho Springs, CO 119, and SH 7.

Next TAC meeting is June 28, 2021.