DRCOG’s Transportation Advisory Committee (TAC) – October 26, 2020

The TAC met on Monday, October 26th and began with public comments from Piep Van Heuven of Bicycle Colorado and Sue Prant of Community Cycles. Both thanked DRCOG for work done on the 2050 Metro Vision Regional Transportation Plan (MVRTP) and urged completion of a thorough analysis of greenhouse gas (GHGs) emissions prior to approving the plan. DRCOG was also urged to have the plan match the state goals for improving air quality as it appears road widening projects remain a significant part of the RTP.

There was a briefing from Kay Kelly of CDOT on the Colorado Roadmap to Address Climate Change. The  roadmap is largely built on House Bill 19-1261 and Governor Polis Bold Four priorities and depends on quick transitions to renewable energy sources. An employer trip reduction mandate seems imminent. The next agenda items was a discussion of TIP COVID-19 impact options. Projects impacted by COVID will have three options: request an extension of up to 8 months, request the project be reassigned to the following year with no penalties for delays, or use toll credits.

A final discussion of the fiscally constrained project and program investment priorities for the 2050 MVRTP was held. Much of the discussion centered on appreciation for DRCOG’s work on the plan and the effort made to “move the needle” toward a more balanced list of projects to include more multimodal, rapid transit, active transit, and safety projects. Members continued to voice an urgency around meeting GHG goals. DRCOG staff noted their attention to these goals throughout the process and reminded all about the opportunity to update the plan in four years. The list of investment priority projects was approved with an amendment about Metro Vision goals being considered as part of the process. The next step is a required comprehensive air quality analysis. For more information on the meeting, click here.