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The Getting There Guide Will Help

A Resource to Transportation Services for the Denver Metro Area

The Getting There Guide helps to bridge transportation gaps for local residents, helping everyone to live as independently as possible and to identify a variety of transportation options, including bus, train, biking and walking. You can also sign up for one of our 3 free online travel training courses here: Overview of Transit ResourcesUber and Bird Basics, or RTD Basics

The printed guide below will show you the best transit options for your individual needs. Download a Black and White Getting There Guide, request a copy to be sent by mail, use the online app version at, or contact us for information at 303-243-3113.

Please share this resource with others by linking to this page so your readers can find the most current version in all of the formats and languages we have available. See our linking guidelines below.

The Getting There Guide is available in multiple languages. Currently the Getting There Guide has been translated to Spanish, Arabic, Russian, Ukrainian, Dari, Pashto, Swahili, and Somali.

We also have an AUDIO VERSION of the Getting There Guide courtesy of the Audio Information Network of Colorado:

English Audio Guide:

Spanish Audio Guide:

The Getting There Guide is available in multiple languages. Currently the Getting There Guide has been translated to Spanish, Arabic, Russian, Ukrainian, Dari, Pashto, Swahili, and Somali.

Getting There Guide in Spanish: La Guía de Cómo Llegar, producida por el Denver Regional Mobility and Access Council (DRMAC), ayuda a los residentes del área de Denver a identificar una variedad de opciones de transporte, incluyendo autobús, tren, bicicleta y caminar.

Getting There Guide in Arabic: (DRMAC)، وهو يساعد قاطني منطقة دنفر على تحديد مجموعة متنوعة من خيارات وسائل النقل، مثل الحافلات، والقطار، والدراجات والمشي.

Getting There Guide in Russian: Путеводитель “Как туда добраться”,  cоставленный Региональным Советом Денвера по Мобильности и Доступу (РСДМД),  поможет жителям Денвера выбрать подходящий вид общественого транспорта, включая автобус, электричку, передвижение на велосипеде и пеший ход.


Getting There Guide in Somali: Tilmaamaha Tegida Xagga [Getting There], oo ay soo saareen Guddiga Helitaanka Gaadiidka ee Deegaanka Denver [Denver Regional Mobility and Access Council (DRMAC)], dadka degan aagga Denver waxay ka caawinaysaa inay ogaadaan dalabyada dhowrka ah ee gaadiidka ay heli karaan, oo ay ku jiraan bas, tareen, baaskiil iyo socodka.

Getting There Guide in Ukrainian: Посібник “Як Дістатися”, підготовлений Денверською регіональною радою з питань мобільності та доступу (DRMAC), допомагає жителям району Денвера визначити різноманітні варіанти транспорту, включаючи автобус, потяг, велосипед та піші прогулянки

Getting There Guide in Dari: راهنمای رسیدن به مقصد، که توسط شورای منطقه‌ای حمل و نقل و دسترسی دنور (DRMAC) تهیه شده است، به ساکنان منطقه دنور کمک می‌کند تا گزینه‌های مختلف حمل و نقل از جمله اتوبوس، قطار، دوچرخه‌سواری و پیاده‌روی را شناسایی کنند.

Getting There Guide in Pashto: د “رسېدلو لارښود”، چې د ډینور سیمه ییز د خوځښت او لاسرسي شورا (DRMAC) لخوا تولید شوی، د ډینور سیمې اوسیدونکو سره مرسته کوي ترڅو د ترانسپورت مختلف انتخابونه وپیژني، چې پکې بس، ریل ګاډی، بایسکل او پیاده تګ شامل دي.

Getting There Guide in Swahili: Mwongozo wa Kupata Huko, ulioandaliwa na Baraza la Usafiri na Ufikiaji la Kanda ya Denver (DRMAC), unasaidia wakazi wa eneo la Denver kutambua chaguzi mbalimbali za usafiri, zikiwemo basi, treni, baiskeli, na kutembea kwa miguu.

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Please share this resource with others by linking directly to this page. Do not post a PDF on your site. Do not link to a PDF file.

  1. This allows your readers to find the most current version in all of the languages we have available.
  2. The Getting There Guide is provided free, however we need to track how many copies are distributed both digitally and physically. If you post our PDF or link directly to the download, you are putting our future funding in jeopardy.

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Low Vision Resources

An abbreviated large print list of transportation services by county is available by clicking on the button below.  Transportation information and assistance is also available by calling our Help Line 303-243-3113.

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1 guide costs $1.60 to ship

10 guides cost $7.83

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© Copyright - DRMAC P.O. Box 7172 Denver, CO 80207