Jeffco LCC – May 4,2021

The Jefferson County Local Coordinating Council (Jeffco LCC) met on Thursday May 6 at 1:30. The information about their regular meeting – date, time, and contact – can be found here. There were 16 people in attendance, including several RTD Directors. The Chair, Joe Lamars, introduced Angel Bond from the Boulder LCC, who presented on her LCC – how it was formed, how it is supported, who attends, how they have generated funding to have staff, and what they believe their successes have been. The Jeffco group had lots of questions; a spirited discussion ensued. The conclusion was that a successful LCC should have projects and a planning process. The Jeffco LCC has had both in the past but doesn’t have a specific project or goal at this moment. The 2nd topic on the agenda was the RTD Advisory Councils’ possible sub-regional committees. The group discussed their inclinations – to apply or not to apply – toward this as yet undefined possibility. The members held a variety of sentiments; no conclusion was reached. The next meeting is on Thursday June 3 at 1:30 and will be held virtually.