Join Today’s Call-In Day for Money Follows the Person!

Money Follows the Person (MFP) has freed over 91,000 disabled people from institutions. MFP was enacted in 2005 with strong bipartisan support, and it’s one of the longest running, most successful Medicaid demonstrations. Since it started, 44 states have participated and worked to improve access to home and community based services (HCBS).

Funding for MFP will expire at the end of December, but for the first time ever, Congress has introduced bipartisan legislation to permanently reauthorize MFP! Permanent reauthorization and funding is critical to ensure sustainability of the program; but time is running out! MFP is only funded through the end of December 2019, and without funding additional states will continue to shutter their programs.

Take Action! Participate in the National Call-In Day! 

NCIL and other national disability rights organizations are hosting a call-in day on Monday, December 16. Call your Representative and Senators and tell them to support permanent funding of MFP!

Other ways to contact your Members of Congress:

RSVP and find additional information at the Facebook event; and share widely! If you post on social media, make sure to use the handle #FundMFP!