RTD Access-a-Ride’s Paratransit Advisory Committee (APAC) – May 11, 2021

RTD Access-a-Ride’s Paratransit Advisory Committee (APAC) – May 11, 2021

APAC met via Microsoft teams on Tuesday, May 11. This was second of three separate meetings for APAC this year. Additional meetings of APAC will be held jointly with RTD’s Advisory Committee for People with Disabilities (ACPD) as part of a pilot. RTD is considering a merger of the two committees.

There was a discussion of who would be the APAC member to serve as the liaison to ACPD as well as be the new spokesperson to provide a verbal APAC summary to the RTD Board. Brenda Carney has been serving in both of these roles. Because of the joint meetings and the possible merger of APAC and ACPD, it was decided to shelve designating a new liaison. Tex Elam stepped forward as APAC’s new spokesperson for the Board and will serve in that role until the end of the year when it is likely the two groups will merge. This was voted on and approved.

Access-a-Ride Manager, Larry Buter then gave the following updates:

  • Covid Response – There are changes in capacity restrictions. Currently there are no more than 3 passengers and one operator in a vehicle. This is expected to increase to 5 passengers and one operator with 4 passengers and one operator in smaller vehicle models. Masks are still required.
  • Eligibility Vendor RFP – A new vendor was chosen unanimously with input from APAC and others in the RTD Access-a-Ride community. The new vendor will be Medical Transportation Management (MTM). They will do eligibility assessments as well as travel training. A final vote on the matter will occur at the RTD Board meeting this evening. They will begin serving in this role starting September 1, 2021. New users of Access-a-Ride will have presumptive eligibility until August 31, 2021.
  • Volunteers are needed from APAC for practice/mock eligibility assessments with new vendor, MTM and for providing feedback on new vehicle specifications. Several members responded.
  • Staff are updating the Customer/User Guide and requesting APAC members review and provide input. This input will be gathered at the next meeting.

Updates were followed by a report on Phase 2 of Access-a-Ride’s Uber pilot which includes a wheelchair accessible (WAV) option. There was discussion of the limited use of the WAV option. Uber and RTD are conducting outreach. APAC members provided some suggestions including providing marketing materials to CPWD, reaching out to CCBs, and expanding the service area.


The next meeting will be a joint meeting with ACPD on July 13th.