RTD Accountability Committee – August 24, 2020

The following are highlights from the meeting:

  • The group will be choosing On-Call Consultants later in the week
  • There was formation of three subcommittees was proposed: Operations, Finance, and Governance
  • Operations
    • ADA Compliance and accessibility of District services including paratransit
    • Equity in services provided to the District, analyzed in term of geography, social equity, fare structures, and needs of transit-dependent populations
    •  Services provided by the District, plans and criteria for expansions or reductions in service
    • District’s efforts to address the state’s climate change goals
  • Finance
    • Use of CARES Act and other pandemic-related funds to support RTD’s mission
    • Review of current state audit, including with respect to staff management, retention, and hiring
  • Governance
    • District’s partnerships with local governments
    • Organizational assessment (financial health, human resources, work culture, management, and governance of the District)
    • District’s role in fostering economic development

• The group will be looking at the definition of equity at their next meeting.