People Centered Transportation Committee (PCTC) – December 9th 2019

This was the second kickoff meeting, with the new structure and aims of PCTC. PCTC efforts are to improve Non-Emergent Medical Transportation.  In attendance, there were representatives of various community agencies, seeing how they can contribute to the mission of the coalition. The aim is to first have a Transportation Community Centered Board, comprised of stake holders, providers, etc. The committee would be the point of contact for complaints about NEMT transportation in the 9 transportation region areas. There have been complaints of long wait times for scheduling of rides and pick-ups for riders. In addition, there have been shared rides by providers causing some people to be shuffled across town, thus missing appointments. This has particularly been happening in Telluride.

Secondly, the aim of the coalition is to put the experiences of the riders into numbers, statistics, so they can see the areas needed for improvement. i,e., number of riders, wait time, complaints, etc. The way to get these two things is through the Colorado Department of Healthcare Policy & Financing (HCPF). Aim is to have the Transportation Centered Community Board in place by March 2020.