Transit Solutions Arapahoe County (TSAC) Meeting Report – June 18th, 2020

Andrea Suhaka lead the virtual TSAC meeting via Zoom on Thursday, June 18th, 2020. Twenty members were in attendance. Matthew Helfant, the DRCOG Senior Transportation Planner, & Lisa Houde kicked off the meeting by presenting DRCOG’s Coordinated Transit Plan to the group. Attendees gave feedback on the priorities of the plan, which included transit-friendly land use, increased focus on non-medical trips, and better allocation of funds.
The next item on the agenda was the approval of TSAC bylaws. The bylaws were approved, and a TSAC Vice President was appointed.
TSAC’s intern, Alyssia Simpson, reviewed the group’s Strategic Plan. Comments and amendments were made, and a committee dedicated to developing the plan was formed.
The meeting was adjourned at 10:30 sharp. Next meeting is Thursday, July 16th from 10:00am to 12:00pm.