Transportation Solutions Arapahoe County (TSAC) – December 17, 2020

TSAC, Arapahoe County’s Local Coordinating Council, met on December 17th via Zoom. Zamy Silva from RTD’s office of Civil Rights gave a presentation on the role and responsibilities of the Civil Rights office. Chair, Andrea Suhaka provided updates on the status of TSAC’s application for 501c3 status and the development of an LCC website once nonprofit status has been obtained. The group divided into breakout rooms for discussion of TSAC’s 2021 strategic plan focus. Strategies to develop relationships with staff and elected officials at the County and municipal levels were discussed in the breakout rooms and reported on later in the larger group. Accomplishments in 2020 were reviewed and included: hosting an RTD candidate forum, updating TSAC bylaws, refreshing TSAC’s strategic plan with assistance from an MSU intern, applying for 501c3 status, establishing a member and dues structure, and recruiting a volunteer to build the LCC website. The TSAC Board will meet in January, and the next TSAC member meeting will be Thursday, February 18, 2021.