Vision Zero Valentine’s Day Love In 2020 on Friday, February 14

Our annual Valentine’s Day Love In event is back! For the fifth year in a row, we are celebrating our love for safe streets by holding a rally at the City & County building in support of Vision Zero. This year’s theme is transit as we continue to show our love for the bus! We’ll be thanking the City for continuing to elevate public transit in Denver. From bus-only lanes to improving bus stops, we applaud the City’s efforts as they begin to work on implementing the Denver Moves: Transit plan.

You’re invited to join us on a group bus ride starting at the 17th & Lawrence stop at 11:30am. We’ll make our way on the bus to the City & County Building at 1437 Bannock Street where you’ll be able to sign Valentine’s cards to City leaders and staff thanking them for their work on safe streets. At noon, we’ll have a short program of speakers talking about the importance of public transit in our city. RTD will also be on hand to get input for theirReimagine RTD initiative. Since February 14 is also Winter Bike to Work Day, they will also have their portable bus rack so you can practice loading your bike on an RTD bus!

Plus some social media fun: #Lovemybusstop!

In the lead up to our Love In event, we’re launching the #lovemybusstop campaign inviting bus riders to show their bus stop some love. Tell us a little more about a stop you use regularly – either one you already love or one that could use some love! We want to see examples of both great bus stops that can be a model for what other bus stops could look like, as well as not-so-great bus stops where the City could invest in improvements. For the first time ever, the City’s 2020 budget includes funding for bus stop amenities, so now’s your chance to suggest how Denver should use those funds!