INC Transportation Committee, January 13, 2022

INC Transportation Committee

January 13, 2021, 6:00-8:00 PM

Virtual Meeting via Zoom


  • Complete Streets: From Design Guidelines to Standards — David Pulsipher, DOTI City Planner Supervisor
    In 2020, Denver completed the creation of the Complete Streets Design Guidelines which includes contextual and visual guiding principles for the city’s public right-of-way and detailing how we allocate space to transportation, utilities, and other public infrastructure. The City is instituting regulations to enforce these guidelines with partners, engineers, and property owners. These regulations are forthcoming. While the Complete Streets Design Guidelines mainly affect new developments, there are other speed management improvements that can be done during other projects.


  • New Parking Meter Rates & Use Of Funds — Alyssa Alt, DOTI Operations Manager, Curblane
    Starting in January, Denver has raised parking meter rates for the first time in decades, with the estimated $9.5 million new funds per year slated to go to multimodal and safety improvements and Vision Zero projects. Next steps in the city’s curb management program includes upgrading to new meter technology, demand responsive pricing, curbside pilots, and adjusting the parking citation fine amounts. Increasing safety is one of the main goals of this approach. One of the largest increases in parking fines will be for ADA parking spaces.


  • RTD’s System Optimization Plan – Julie Skeen, Reimagine RTD Team & Doug Monroe, RTD Manager for Corridor Planning (Operations)
    The Reimagine RTD process has completed one of its major goals: the creation of a System Optimization Plan (SOP), which provides a route-by-route guide for service growth between now and 2027. The SOP looked at the entire RTD system in response to ridership changes, impact from COVID-19, to ensure fiscal sustainability, and to improve service quality. Considerations for rebuilding service include valuing employee’s health and safety, equity is prioritized, and the financial uncertainty due to ridership loss. Routes will be restored based on a four-tier typology, however not all routes will be restored. RTD is asking for feedback on the plan at:


  • CDOT’s Greenhouse Gas Pollution Reduction Rulemaking – Herman Stockinger, CDOT
    In December, the Transportation Commission for the Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) adopted new rules governing statewide transportation planning, recognizing that the transportation sector is the single largest source of statewide greenhouse gas pollution, and acknowledging that the impacts of local air pollution disproportionately impact lower-income communities and communities of color. Lauded by multimodal and environmental groups as an important, nation-leading step forward, this change sets a new framework by which CDOT’s future plans, including its existing 10-year plan, will be evaluated.


Next meeting: Thursday, March 10th — 6pm-8pm, Virtual Meeting via Zoom