ACPD Report – August 20th, 2020

The first activity of the group was awards to RTD heroes. There were some great stories of kind and noble things that drivers had done. Director Kate Williams and RTD Corporate Council Melanie Snyder were introduced to the group as new members. Zami Silva gave a presentation on the combining of APAC and ACPD which will be happening. Paul DesRocher gave an update on a pilot project which will start today – RTD will be removing some seats of light rail vehicles to allow more room for bicycles. Fortunately, ridership due to COVID is not likely to be impacted by the smaller amount of seating. Bob Grado, RTD Transit Police and Pauletta Tonilas, RTD AGM of Communications gave a report on the suspended service at the protests in the recent past – the RTD staff talked about lessons learned, and they now have alternative routes ready at all times. Barbara McManus gave a report on the Code of Conduct committee, and then on the search for the new GM. She walked the group through what the next steps are and when they can expect to know who the next GM/CEO will be. In the last few moments, Dr. Gross gave a brief on the APAC meeting.