Transportation Solutions Arapahoe County (TSAC) – August 20th, 2020

Transportation Solutions Arapahoe County (TSAC) began with a presentation by Ashley Doty of DRMAC  about the development of the Getting There smartphone app. Linda Haley from Arapahoe County also gave a presentation about Arapahoe County Council on Aging (ACCOA). Chair, Andrea Suhaka presented TSAC’s updated bylaws and new articles of incorporation. She announced TSAC was now registered with the Colorado Secretary of State’s office and would be pursuing 501( c )( 3 ) status as well.  Andrea reported that TSAC was in need of a new Secretary/Treasurer, and Anahit Labarre agreed to fill the position in the short-term. Ally Simpson, TSAC’s MSU intern presented an updated strategic plan for the LCC’s consideration. All members were asked to propose some timelines to add to the plan. Linda Haley gave an update about the transition of older adult transportation services to Via Mobility Services in wake of SRC’s decision to no longer provide transportation services.