Denver Streets Partnership Meeting

Denver Streets Partnership meeting

Friday March 6 9am-10:30 am

Downtown Denver Partnership, 1515 Arapahoe Street, Denver

DSP meets monthly at a variety of locations. This month the agenda included a presentation by the Denver Police Dept on the use of automatic enforcement – those vans that you see parked on busy roads, and the cameras that document red light runners. Under Policy & Advocacy, the topics were funding for transportation, RTD legislation, the Climate Change Task Force, the Bike Lane bill, and the American Heart Association poll. We reviewed two past events – the Transit Love In and the merger of WalkDenver and Bicycle Colorado. There are lots of upcoming events which can be found on the DSP website.

The next meeting will be on Friday April 3 from 9-10:30 at Downtown Denver Partnership, 1515 Arapahoe Street, Denver