Douglas County LCC – June 25th, 2020

Location: Microsoft Teams Virtual Meeting

  • Intros & Updates (16 people in attendance)
    • Bustang
      • City of Lone Tree will become a part of their route
        • Start date undetermined
      • Working on app where you can buy Bustang and RTD tickets from the same app
    • Douglas County updates
      • Faye is taking a new role in the county so she will not be heading the Douglas LCC going forward
        • Rand and Valerie are going to take this position on for now
        • County is on a soft hiring freeze right now
      • Working on submitting grants to DRCOG
      • Human Need Taskforce being created from Office of Emergency Services during this time
        • COVID has had a high impact on transportation
        • Medical trips are still happening
        • Douglas County is trying to identify grant resources in order to take services TO people where they are.
        • Many providers are doing reassurance calls to make sure people are ok
      • Call center is primarily dealing with
        • Aging and resources calls
        • COVID questions calls
        • They are looking to have someone on staff who primarily deals with transportation questions
          • They have been working closely with other transportation organizations like DRMAC and DRCOG
          • Starting to track trips by jurisdictions: both start and destination
            • Finding that Lone Tree has a lot more destination than starting trips
              • Most likely due to medical facilities there etc.
      • Looking for creative grant sources and CARES ACT dollars for future funding
      • Implementation Plan
        • No one planned for COVID-19
        • Not going to meet every goal set forth
        • New goal – serve residents now and look into future anticipated needs
        • Looking at what the revised Implementation Plan should look like into 2021
    • DRMAC app presentation
      • It’s like the Getting There Guide in your pocket
      • Available in Google Play and Apple stores
      • Ally from DRMAC will be doing trainings on the new app
        • Most likely all virtually for now
        • Contact her at if you’re interested in setting up a training
  • Next Meeting – Spetember 24th 9:30-10:30am