Douglas County Transit Solutions (DCTS) – December 17, 2020
DCTS met at 9:30am on December 17 via Microsoft Teams. Donielle Suber, new Mobility Program Manager for Douglas County, facilitated. Team members welcomed Donielle and shared the following updates and successes:
RTD: Election updates. DCTS also reported that RTD contract came in and DCTS has sent out subcontractor agreements.
City of Lonetree: Has successfully begun according to startup plan and is beginning to offer essential services. Currently running one full time vehicle.
DRMAC: Getting There app and Getting There Travel Training are up and going and will assist users virtually. Meeting the challenge of the frequent changes in the transportation scene and capture changes in transportation availability, DRMAC has implemented a Transit Options front page to supplement the Getting There Guide with up-to-date information.
ARDC: Increased food and prescription deliveries, with a major focus on essential trips and facilitating keeping users safe at home with reverse services.
Successes included an increase in virtual socialization opportunities and continued outreach to provide essentials via reverse services as much as possible. Community resilience and willingness of providers to collaborate and think creatively during pandemic-related changes was noted with appreciation across the board.
Revisiting the DCTS 2020 implementation plan, it was agreed to continue with the current goals. Suggested additions for 2021 included adding an annual report and exploring creative communication to make DCTS more visible to the community. Next meeting is scheduled for March 25 from 9:30 to 10:30am.