Boulder Local Coordinating Council – January 13, 2020

  • Administrative Updates:
    • Boulder County – changing county administrators.
      • Mobility for All will now be under Community Planning & Permitting instead of Transportation
      • Why the change?
        • Continuity & oversight since there are term limits and turn over
        • Not a lot should change as the LCC goes forward
      • Intros & Updates
      • LCC Meetings
        • 2nd Monday of each month
        • 2:00-4:00pm
        • Rotate meetings between Boulder & Longmont
      • Meeting Friday (1/17/2020) – Age Well Planning Process
        • Follow up from their summit
        • Report will be out in May
      • 2020 Priorities
        • February Meeting – Medicaid Transportation Panel
        • Ride Free Longmont is 2 year contract
          • No need to petition this year to keep it
        • Pathway to Inclusion
          • Goal is to empower their clients to use information themselves going forward without help
          • Ambassador program getting ready to kick off
            • 5 workshops held (2 meetings for each workshop)
            • 10 Mobility Ambassador Training Sessions
              • 17 ambassadors trained
            • Now moving into meetings open to public where ambassadors will be training others
          • Tammy – PEAK Ride
            • Planning committee
            • Investigating paratransit gaps in rural towns because each town’s need is so different
            • Had 7 meetings held monthly in differing towns
              • Gathering info from communities
              • How to schedule rides? Technology is limited in these areas
              • Residents are excited
              • Driver training will be needed for paratransit etiquette but don’t want too much since these will be volunteers and you don’t want to bombard them with time commitment.
            • What’s next?
              • Take info and form transportation plan
              • After reviewed take to the community for RFPs and funding opportunities
              • Keep talking with small towns to keep momentum
            • City of Boulder Equity Index
              • GIS technicians looked at variables for vulnerable populations within the community
              • Where are people living and where are they going?
                • Population Density
                • Employment Density
                • Transit Stops
              • Goal: to find where these underserved populations are living and make sure transportation projects are a priority in those locations
            • Transit Planner (Alex) talked about RTD cuts
            • Next Meeting 2/10/2020 – 2-4pm – Longmont