SAPGA – Strategic Action Planning Group on Aging

The Colorado General Assembly and the Governor formed the Strategic Action Planning Group on Aging with passage and signage of House Bill 15-1033 in 2015 (key provisions, and fiscal note). The planning group is charged with examining the impact of the shifting aging demographic on the economy, workforce, businesses, market based products and services; state and local revenue budgets and fiscal policies; Medicaid and other safety-net programs and the collateral impact on other non-related state programs; family caregiving and public and private options for long-term care, services and support; federal entitlement reforms; and transportation services and infrastructure.

Meetings are open to the public, and Coloradans can get all the news from the planning group by signing up here.

The Planning Group will develop a comprehensive long-term strategic plan, as well as recommending specific actions and bills to the General Assembly that:

  • Best manage the impact of this demographic shift on the state of Colorado
  • Improve the long-term quality and effectiveness of outcome-based services by government, nonprofit organizations and the private sector
  • Ensure adequate and sustainable funding and spending strategies for Medicaid and other state and local programs
  • Create a public education campaign to improve individual and family preparedness

Monthly meeting – January 13, 2020

Next meeting February 10, 2020

The primary purpose of this initial meeting of the planning group for 2020 was to review organizational documents and set framework for the year’s work.  Bylaws, conflict of interest and Review of Duties and Roles of the Planning Group were reviewed and accepted.

Janice Blanchard, Aging Policy Director for the Governor’s Office, shared the areas of endorsement the Governor has identified for 2020. They include:

  • Family leave
  • Secure savings plan
  • Aging workforce – Next 50 – conference on Feb 27–aimed at employers – free to attendees –
  • Geriatric work force – within university system – from Senior Lobby – supporting people to practice at top of their credentials – working with Homecare of the Rockies
  • Age friendly public health system
  • Prioritizing reducing drug costs
  • Budget decisions and ramifications

The group reviewed Working Group Topics – determined from previous planning sessions – to establish Working Groups for 2020.  It was determined four work groups would continue.  Four workgroups will continue:

Workforce: Focus on working older adults and Professionals in older adult care and services 

Governance and Implementation: Focus on what is the future for aging with respect to structure in addressing aging issues?  How do SAPGA and CCOA relate??  Colorado has 67 distinct counties – each addressing local issues in their own way – how         should this be structured for the future?

Long term services and Support:  forming committee to determine focus

Transportation and Mobility:  Next steps for 2020 are still being finalized although they do know that a working group focused around rural transportation with be convening to generate recommendations aimed at addressing gaps and barriers to transit/paratransit services. Possible work around Medicaid’s NEMT brokerage expansion, supporting/increasing transit/paratransit provider capacity, and opportunities to blend funding and resources to increase ridership and support mobility are ideas that initially come to mind.

The 2019 Action Plan Update has been released:

Final, printed versions of the 2019 Action Plan Update will be available Friday 1/24.

If you would like copies mailed, dropped-off, or if you would like to come by office at 789 Sherman Street to pick up copies to share with your networks, feel free to reach out to Jarett Hughes at

Transportation Committee recommendations included in the 2019 Action Plan Update are as follows:

  1. The forthcoming 2020 Colorado Department of Transportation’s Statewide Transportation Plan and ongoing planning processes should clearly reference our state’s shifting demographics and focus on improving and supporting mobility for older Coloradans through programming and project funding.
  2. In order to support mobility for older Coloradans, local governments, regional transit/paratransit providers, ride sharing organizations, and their private and public sectors partners should take the following steps:
  3. Identify funding opportunities and implement a targeted outreach and education campaign focused on older Coloradans in an effort to increase awareness of available services;
  4. Create and support programming, either through employment or volunteerism,

at established public centers (e.g., libraries, recreation centers, community colleges) focusing on available transit/paratransit options and ridesharing to support adoption and utilization of services;

  1. Recruit and train mobility ambassadors, either through employment or volunteerism, to support navigation assistance, increase familiarity, and support adoption of available services among older Coloradans.
  2. The State of Colorado, along with transit/paratransit providers, health insurance providers, and medical providers, should take the following steps to the address impacts and costs associated with end state renal disease and kidney dialysis treatment:
  3. Explore the feasibility and, if needed, statutory and/or rule changes related to cost sharing between transportation, medical services, and health insurance providers;
  4. Evaluate and consider best practices around the country related to utilizing mobility managers and nephrology social workers coordinating trips for patients;
  5. Examine the feasibility, and if needed, statutory and/or rule changes related to supporting and expanding home-based options when deemed safe by medical providers.