Denver Commission for People With Disabilities – December 5, 2019

Krystin Trustman presented the DRMAC (Denver Regional Mobility Access Council) Getting There Guide, a transportation resource on transportation in the Denver Metro Area.

  • The Guide is published annually in five languages.
  • It lists different transportation options including RTD fixed route service and rides by appointment using private providers.
  • It’s available in PDF form on the DRMAC website – and on the rides-DRMAC app.

Dawn Howard with CCDC (Colorado Cross-Disability Coalition) talked about the importance of the 2020 Census.

  • The Census will be available on-line, by mail and in person starting in March 2020. It is completely Section 508 compliant and can be used with screen-readers.
  • Each person identified in the census equals approximately $2,300/yr for governmental services like Medicaid, SNAP and TANF.

DCPD created a PSA for Adaptive Recreation in the City of Denver,

Employment in the City is re-writing the letter they distribute to potential employers emphasizing competitive and meaningful employment for people with disabilities to improve the types and levels of jobs employers post.

The next meeting is Tuesday, February 4th, 2020 at the Denver Museum of Nature & Science, Studio 106.

Jefferson County Local Coordinating Council, November 7, 2019

Senior’s Resource Center

3227 Chase St. 1:30-3:30pm 3rd Floor Conference Room

  • Met with RTD Board members who represent Jefferson County
  • Discussed how we can support RTD in meeting the needs of the public. Focused on three themes:
  1. Use of paratransit dollars more efficiently
  2. Provide more fixed route service
  3. Policy change
  • The discussions led to council agency (Lakewood Rides) accepted by RTD to be a part of the Reimagine RTD Technical committee
  • Council continues to work alongside community partners such as the West Corridor TMA and DRMAC connecting metro-wide transportation.