AUSTIN (KXAN) — Latino communities across the country have been hit the hardest by COVID-19. In Travis County, where Austin is located, Latinos account for half of deaths but only account for about 35% of the population, as of the end of August. Read more
Voters across Colorado will receive text messages and emails to keep them updated on the status of their mailed ballot in the upcoming election
Previously, only about a quarter of the state’s counties offered automatic ballot tracking. Instead, voters in most counties had to log onto a state website to check on their ballot. Read more
Noise pollution from busy roads is nearly as harmful to our health as air pollution, according to the World Health Organization — but a new study reveals we’re not doing nearly enough research to understand, much less regulate, the sonic impact of cars on our bodies. Read more
The RTD Accountability Committee met and discussed contracting with an on-call consulting firm to support the work of the committee. DRCOG staff concurred with a review panel’s recommendation to contract with North Highland. This recommendation was based on North Highland’s qualifications and varied experience, including relevant public sector work on equity and human resource issues in addition to transit. North Highland’s transit work includes a similar task done for NJ Transit, New Jersey’s public transportation corporation.
As discussed at Accountability Committee’s August 24th meeting, the importance of integrating an equity lens into its deliberations and recommendations is a priority. A workgroup was formed for the purpose of creating a guiding document and a draft document was presented for the committee’s review. Available subcommittee (Finance, Governance, Operations) reports were also heard. Visit DRCOG’s website for additional information.
Colorado Gov. Jared Polis extended the statewide mask order for another 30 days on Saturday. It was set to expire tomorrow.
The rule requires people to wear a facial covering in public indoor settings. Widespread mask-wearing reduces the spread of COVID-19 infections by as much as 65 percent, Polis said in the order. Read more
In recent years, it has become evident that technology can help older adults to meet certain goals they may have in later life. Those goals, both subjective and wide-ranging, might include getting in better shape, learning new skills and socializing with new people. As people adapt to physical, emotional and social changes as they age, this process might be made easier by embracing the digital world. Read more