RTD will host a Spanish language telephone town hall on May 21 at 6 p.m. with RTD Board Chair Angie Rivera-Malpiede and RTD staff. The call in number is 855-543-3425. They will also be doing a Facebook Live stream via RTD’s Facebook page.
During the COVID-19 outbreak, the decisions transit agencies make in response to the crisis have profound implications for public health and well-being. They must mobilize quickly to prevent crowding, re-allocate service, and protect transit workers and riders from exposure. Read more
The toll of COVID-19 is exposing America’s longstanding public health inequities. In virtually every major city that’s released demographic data, black and brown people are more likely to die from the disease — in some places, more than twice as likely — than white people. Read more
- Location: Meeting by phone
- Introductions – 17 in attendance
- APAC members
- Contractors
- Public Comment
- None
- ACPD (Advisory Committee for People w/ Disabilities) Update by Dr. William Gross
- None – No meeting since last APAC meeting to report on
- APAC new members
- Brian Novak is taking a replacement seat
- His term will end Sept 2022
- RTD – Larry Buter
- COVID-19 Response
- 80% decline in ridership!
- Had to furlough operators
- Last week – started bringing drivers back on board
- In order to slowly ramp up so RTD is ready when riders do start needing more service
- Extra Board Operators – at the typical location waiting to be sent out on routes
- Loop Extra Operators – At strategic locations around the service area to be used as back up when needed to provide a quick response
- Drivers have PPE – masks, gloves, and sanitizers for vehicles
- Access a Ride (AaR) – Food Delivery Service
- Locations that are participating can be found on the RTD website
- Must be an approved AaR rider to use this service
- Right now all applicants have presumptive eligibility until they can be assessed at Easter Seals
- Unlimited number of grocery bags
- You are requested to meet the driver downstairs if you live higher than the first floor of a building
- AaR has made 136 grocery deliveries to date
- Easter Seals is now open for testing
- They are bringing people back SLOWLY, like 1 at a time
- COVID-19 Response
- Brian Novak is taking a replacement seat
- Next meeting July 14th
The city’s public health department last month abandoned virtual meetings and instead started doing in-person compliance checks at long-term care facilities as COVID-19 cases rose in places like nursing homes. Read more
5/11/2020 Boulder LCC
- Location: Microsoft Teams Meeting (virtual)
- Introductions – 42 in attendance
- Meet every month 2:00pm-4:00pm
- Even months – Longmont
- Odd months – Boulder
- Mission – Overcome transportation gaps in the community
- Multi-modal education
- RTD Update
- As of 4/19 there has been a change in fixed-route scheduling due to low ridership
- Operating at 40% of regular weekday service schedule
- Telephone town hall tonight (5/11) with Director Lubow
- ZTrips Update
- As of March – drivers are cleaning vehicles between each trip
- As of April – Requirement for drivers to wear masks, stopped ride sharing, fogging vehicles with sanitizers weekly, drop in ridership
- As of May – Small increase in ridership, it is taking longer to get passengers because of detailed cleanings between each ride
- YES! They will take patients suspected of having COVID-19
- Need to treat everyone as if they have COVID-19
- One vehicle has been transformed with plastic barriers to drive patients with COVID-19
- Disinfected before AND after those trips
- Additional cost for time cleaning, etc.
- Policy requires a passenger on board for non-medical trips
- Colorado Community Health Alliance
- Working on transporting homeless individuals to and from medical appointments to test for COVID-19
- Independent providers accepting these types of services
- Boulder County Recovery Center
- Transporting 1 person at a time w/ cleanings in between
- Via
- Providing grocery and prescription delivery
- 24 hour notice is helpful but they can do same day service
- Saturday – Delivering from farmers markets
- Doing about 115 trips on these Saturdays
- Small increase in ridership – mainly medical
- Providing grocery and prescription delivery
- Mountain Transportation Listening Sessions
- Working on the volunteer driver program
- Launching next year
- Mobility for All
- Conducting a program evaluation
- Looking on the needs of the community
- Virtual Technology Workshops
- Working out the kinks due to COVID-19 preventing in-person trainings
- Rescheduling in-person workshops for fall (potentially)
- Housing & Human Services of Boulder County
- Emergency Operation Center in Boulder County
- Focusing on area coordination across entire county
- Monitoring
- Vulnerable populations
- Hospitals
- Coordinating PPE delivery
- County resource page
- Getting funding
- DRCOG Coordinated Transportation Plan
- Take questionnaire here
- City of Lousiville Transportation Master Plan
- This is the city’s first plan (started 2018)
- Plan adopted Oct 2019
- What’s going on now?
- 8 goals
- Focused on safety and efficiency
- Priority for all ages and abilities
- 8 goals
- Plan Overview
- Prioritized key corridors
- Bike network that builds on trail system
- Prioritize areas for pedestrian improvements
- Crossings that improve safety and access
- Enhance local and regional transit options
- Monday 6/8/2020
- Location: virtual (Microsoft Teams)
- Time: 2:00pm-4:00pm